Episode 99: Ordinary Habits of Highly Effective Coaches

The 90th Percentile: An Unconventional Leadership Podcast

Published: January 11, 2023


Habits are things you automatically do every day. It’s your morning routine, how you make your favorite drink, or the fact that you always leave every cabinet door open when you leave a room. It is the actions you perform without thinking because they are ingrained into who you are. Researchers at Duke University estimate that habits account for 40% of daily behaviors. In this podcast episode, we’re looking at the ordinary habits of highly effective coaches.

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Key Learnings

  • The least effective coaches had direct reports with engagement at the 23rd percentile, while the most effective coaches’ direct reports were at the 73rd percentile.

  • Ultimately, we believe the time spent was not that different between the best and the worst coaches. Rather it was the feeling these highly effective coaches created. The most effective coaches made their direct reports feel that they were more important than getting the interaction done quickly
  • Our research validates that the most helpful feedback is more positive and reinforcing than negative and corrective. Highly effective coaches focus on the positive!

  • The best coaches create an environment where direct reports want to do something extraordinary and make a real difference. They create energy and excitement.

  • People often believe that having a higher position gives them the right to behave differently than they require or expect others to behave. The best coaches are role models and know how to walk their talk.

  • Accomplishing hard things makes people feel more valued and reinforces the fact that they are competent and capable.
  • Effective coaches did an excellent job of balancing business results with how it impacts the personal welfare of colleagues

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7 Ordinary Habits of Super Effective Coaches– Article by Joe Folkman